Hi guys! I’m back,.. i wanna talk about hairstyle right now, for me hair is really important.
Honestly my real hair is very thin and it’s make me feel bad because is not good tough,
Want to know why? Please look these picture..

Is me with different hair style, idk which one better on me.
In a reality my real is no.... guess which one? Kkkk~
The answer is no 1,4 my real hair is black and long about 60-65cm (i’m wearing extensions because my real hair is thin i’ve told you in the beggining right?)
nah is quite different no 1 Is a bit curly wavey and no 4 Is straight but in the picture is kinda same though.
No 2 and 5 is shizuka hot curly chestnut, in real is a bit blonde i guess kinda brown to orange.
I blame my self because my shizuka half of them is messed altough i’ve doing some treatment and take care my wig as well but still.. not good as the new one that i bought before. because is it fiber so you need to be careful to tak care this kind of wig T^T
No 3 is wig from my country, my sister bought it for her daughter but she wanna sell it out and i just promoting her wig. Is it pure sintetis wig so i don’t suggest you to take a picture with flash camera because it definitely looks fake. I suggest you to take a picture and don’t using flash ok it will looks better like a real hair.
No 6 is also from my sister, i never has a short haircut because my face shape is not suit as well with this kind style but i just curious how my looks will be if i have a short haicut... then i tried wearing it even thougt feels not confident and i found the result LOL as my though is not match with me..... but someone wanna buy this one, because in real is look natural like your own hair for sure :P

Did you see right now that a different hairstyle will exactly change your looks..

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hello~ guys today i will review my favourite member in T-ara... her name Is Park Ji Yeon she's an actress, i'm starting being her fan after watched K-drama God Of Study, Jungle Fish2, Dream High2. i really love her eyeliner style "cat wink", her voice are awesome, and nomu yeopo <3


it's really simple if you are professional wearing eyeliner.
i have planning to make a video tutorial but not confident enough and don't have a free time lately so i just give a simple tips....


only looks on ji yeon picture for a sample,
i give a try...


and try it again, you need to practice and improve your makeup skill :D


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Are you inspired by kpop style makeup? I do <3
They usually using white eyeliner for bottom eye the effect is good your eyes definitely looks bigger after put on white eyeliner..
here it is some pictures of ulzzang #random


i was focused on they eyes only so i've cut these picture..

it's my picture using white eyeliner, and which part you should put this eyeliner.

1. you can apply white eyeliner only for bottom part of eye (i suggested to use a pencil eyeliner, my favourite is from pixy but if you has different brand product is ok)

2. put on the corners of both eyes for a dramatic looks

That’s it a simple tutorial from me, i’m sorry if is not informative or not good enough i still learning how to blogging :p
Bye bye~^^

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What I want in my bag 2013 I wanna join the GIG Spotlight event this time gigspotlight1
I think it's very cool for a blogger ^^v so why not to try? Honestly I have some list stuffs in my mind LoL is not a big thing but these list are very awesome for me... I was looking forward to having them <3 <3

Ok~ what I want in my bag 2013...here it is:


1. Dariya palty hairdye
Milk tea brown, Tsubasa Masuwaka is the brand ambassador for this hairdye I heard is very good because has so many color style

2. Etude house silk scarf hologram hair serum & hair mist
i was bloging and find out this item, is serum for a shine and healthy hair <3 lovely

3. Pinkage hair care from korean

is my favourite brand everrr is fiber with high quality  of fashion wig ^^

4. Clothes, blouse, or blazer from dovely or Lime Orange brand

5. Last is olympus camera digital

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Age-defying Eye Balm with Hydro-Protect Complex™ to lighten dark circles and decrease puffiness around the eye. 15 ml.



i was depressed with a dark circle around my eyes , is really annoying ><" i wanna make it dissapear from my eyes so i've tried Aqua-Rhythm Intense Hydration Youth Preserve Eye Contour Balm because my friend sell it out, is not pricey only $ 5 (discount) and it's quite good <3 if you has the same problem as me just try to use this ^^ and i hope is also work on you..

Hari ini saya bahas pake bahasa Indonesia aja yaaa, spesial buat readers ina pernah engga sih ngerasa bingung guys ketika pertama kali kamu nonton konser sekelas SM TOWN.. Haha pengalaman pertama saya soalnya nonton konser kpop secara demen banget ama super junior LoL kpop starnya ada super junior tentunya, snsd, shinee minus minho, exo-m, exo-x, f(x) minus sulli, tvxq, boa, kangta. (Siapa bias kamu di super junior? Kalo saya suka Kyuhyun klo denger suaranya .. Bener2 merdu, dari hati nyanyinya dia plus ganteng kalem gimana gitu Kkkk xD love bgt ama gamekyu sparkyu evilkyu <3) pas hari-H kesana kepagian soale dijemput sepupu sekitaran jam 9 apa 9.30 pagi gt lupa, padahal gerbang baru dibuka jam 4 sore acaranya jam 6 D: seriously. Waktu itu saya saltum alias salah kostum, saya pake blouse item, stocking item, sepatu teplek. Kenapa salah? Soalnya jakarta panas bgt plus lbh panas karena pake baju item kan.. Trs disana beli kaos sm town, mau ganti tdnya tp saya ga pake jeans kan cuma stocking ga lucu alhasil tetep pake kostum td pagi. Trs antriannya panjaaaaaaaaaaaaaang bgt sempet terlintas ga lagi2 deh nonton kpop konser klo ky gini. Nah saya saranin klo mau nonton konser pakai baju yg nyaman aja yg simple jgn sampe saltum kayak saya ya haha. Saya saranin sih pakai kaos biasa aja ama jeans ama sepatu biar gampang kalo kudu lari2 pas gerbang dibuka, bawa persediaan air minum yg banyakkk disana pasti haus banget, pake topi jg bagus biar kepala adem+teduh, satu lg bawa payung biar pas ngantri engga kepanasan ok. Ada yang mau nonton musik bank tanggal 9 maret 2013 nanti di gbk? ada super junior, shinee, infinite (salah satu membernya ganteng banget favorit saya namanya kim myoung soo agak mirip kibum yang di bbf loh), teen top, sistar, beast, sama 2pm.

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Good Morning!! Happy new years all (too late) ==" haha
yesterday my order arrived, i bought 12pcs Pearl Soap and 12pcs Rice Milk Soap.. Because few friends wanna buy also.. They know about this soap from my blog 2-month ago,i can't stop mentioning about this soap because has a good function, take care your skin, and if you used it routine your skin will looks brighter for only Rp 25.000 or just $ 2,5 only :P i stop use a night cream because lazy and i always fall asleep everytime i'm back from work. But the ultra violet made my skin looks dark hiks ;'/ , then after using rice milk soap for a month my skin are better and back to normal aish more brighter <3 <3 <3 so i don't feel worry when i forgot to apply night cream becuse this soap can take care my skin as well :D



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hi hi hi how are you today readers? i wish fine... today i have a free time, so i will keep my promise to a few friends who left me some comment yesterday, this time i will show you my new stuff is a band like my favourite ulzzang Choi Haneul, i was looking forward for this band but i just found it yesterday whent i went to mall
(Choi Haneul wear a band, eyy~ is not 100% same as mine but quite same la)
want to know how pretty ulzzang Choi Haneul?
here it is a few of her picuters...

last is my pictures LOL is feels awkward when you upload a bad quality pictures after done uploaded a few has good quality pict's with a pretty model :/

Hey guys.. Today I will review about nose up. Everytime I saw a foreigner I feels envy sometime because they looks is really pretty with a high nose, white skin, the color of their eyes isn't it beauty? do you know that your lower-nose bone is soft so you still can manage it to be a little bit higher is about 5cm or less with nose up without nose surgery but need a time. Here it is my secret: Before using nose up my lower-nose bone is average size a bit round I thought but after used nose up for a few months everyday (15-20 minutes)day my lower-nose bone right now is higher about 4cm and looks better hehe


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