Do you know after a hairstyle, eyes-makeup is important thing? why? your looks will be different if you has a suitable haircut and apply eyes-makeup, for example if you have a photoshoot or some event, usually we need to wearing false eyelash. My recent hobby collecting a few false ayelash here it is my collections :


still a bit, but i wanna collectting more later.. for upper false eyelash i thought before more thick a false eyelash is more good but i changed my mind after tried no.3 because is feels heavy and when i took a picture is appear a shadow from that false eyelash huh :/


you will see a shadow of that in the corner of both eyes (tatto it was editing only lol)

then i bought another one no. 5:


i wonder why this one is more expensive than a current thick false eyelash ?
just know after wearing it, it's more comfortable a thin pointly style not heavy and looks natural but also good ^^ i think. Sorry for my ugly pouting faces :P

for buttom eyelash i haven't find it yet after blogging yesterday i wanna buy buttom false eyelash from dolly wink but don't know which style better? i don't have a chance for buying it, i was busy with my new work as finance accounting in my uncle pharmacy and handle my online shop :/ i heard is easy to buy it from e-bay but idk how :/ i haven't try before *silly me ><"

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4 Responses so far.

  1. U have a awesome blog over here. I just wanna thank you for all the interesting information on it. I'll follow your blog if you keep up the good work!

  2. kfumiyo says:

    Hi- sorry for late respon, is very pleased to hear that. thank you ^^ i will try my best for the next..

  3. kfumiyo says:

    i think a pointy false eyelash is much more good than the thick one, because it's looks dramatic ^^

  4. kfumiyo says:

    thanks, please visit my blog if you have a free time i will keep update a post sooner :)

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